Discoverzakopane.com was published in 2003 and was one of the first websites about Zakopane wrote in English. The originator and author of discoverzakopane.com is Barbara Gąsienica-Józkowy: I'm a former member of the Polish Ski Team, a sports teacher by education, and a webmaster and internet marketing specialist by hobby. For over 10 years, the site was a supplement to my Altius Travel Agency. A few years ago I've closed a travel agency and realized my dream - now I only need a laptop to work and it depends only on myself whether I work from home or from a guest house by the sea and whether I do it in the morning, afternoon or evening. This independence from place and time of work gives me a sense of true freedom. And because I am lucky to like my job very much one can say that I've managed to implement the Confucius recommendation: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" :)
I hope you can find on my website all the information you are looking for. I wish you a great time in Zakopane, vicinity and the Tatra National Park. Barbara