Contact us:

To order an airport transfer send your request to: wojtanowski(@)
To book a Tatra Guide visit this page hiking in the Tatras
To book a ski or snowboard instructor visit this page SKI SCHOOLS
To book a sleigh ride visit this page SLEIGH RIDES
To book a snowmobile tour visit this page SNOWMOBILE TOURS
To book husky ride visit this page HUSKY RIDES
To book ski tour trip visit this page SKI TOURING
To find tourist information visit these pages TOURIST INFORMATION and Q&A
To suggest any changes on the website, to share your memories from Zakopane on our blog or to inform us about the worth recommended place, attraction or activity get in touch directly with Barbara : barbara(at)


ABOUT US was published in 2003(!) was published in 2003 and was one of the first websites about Zakopane wrote in English. The originator and author of is Barbara Gąsienica-Józkowy: I'm a former member of the Polish Ski Team, a sports teacher by education, and a webmaster and internet marketing specialist by hobby. For over 10 years, the site was a supplement to my Altius Travel Agency. A few years ago I've closed a travel agency and realized my dream - now I only need a laptop to work and it depends only on myself whether I work from home or from a guest house by the sea and whether I do it in the morning, afternoon or evening. This independence from place and time of work gives me a sense of true freedom. And because I am lucky to like my job very much one can say that I've managed to implement the Confucius recommendation: "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life" :)
I hope you can find on my website all the information you are looking for. I wish you a great time in Zakopane, vicinity and the Tatra National Park. Barbara