How to get to Bukowina Tatrzanska? The most convenient way to get to Bukowina Tatrzanska is by bus from Krakow (Flixbus Krakow - Bukowina Tatrzanska or Szwagropol Krakow - Bukowina Tatrzańska). You can also order direct transport from the airport (check here ) or rent a car at the airport (check here ). I recommend renting a car outside the winter season, because in winter in Bukowina Tatrzańska there is often terrible traffic and parking problems.
Getting around Bukowina Tatrzanska - most of the attractions are located in the centre of the village within easy access by foot. Bukowina Tatrzańska also has very good bus and minibus connections with Zakopane and Nowy Targ.
The site is being updated. I will do my best to make it ready by the end of December. Thank you for your patience. Barbara